We offer a balance between quality work and value for money – both of which are a part of our ethical & sustainability approach to construction & peoples homes

We are looking for Brookfield residents interested in green construction methods – here you can register your interest in the training and job pathways

Join a cooperative with a shared vision about improving local housing and bringing quality jobs to the area – as a member you can help us make the right decisions

An ethical approach to everything we do

Fabric first – profits are for re-investing – quality means value longterm – looked after workers are happier & more productIve – we utilise local have global impact – bringing the Preston Model to life.

Part of the conversation towards a new attitude to ‘homes and how people live’

in the Autumn of 2024 we’re holding a ‘Local Homes’ summit on Brookfield to look at the future of homes in area’s of deprivation and the role retrofit will play – more details to follow.



design & build

Building performance assessments

Housing, community engagement

Retrofit consultancy

Why does Retrofit+ look like it does.

An explainer video about why we embarked on this journey, it was originally made for Community Gateway

We should never forget that housing is ultimately about someone’s ‘home’.



Immediate savings you can make at home

there are small savings you can make with your energy bills just by making changes to how you do things in your hone right now – see our guide here