This initiative will centre around the development of a ‘local workforce’ that we will identify on the estate and nurture over the next few years. We’re targeting local tradespeople that are keen to upskill, disaffected young people and adults that fancy a career change.
Onsite training will be provided as we retrofit the Soundskills Centre. Working alongside the retrofit experts work team from Stoic Homes and supported by development staff.
Providing opportunities for the local workforce to gather industry qualifications we are also looking to certify our bespoke training programme in time too.
Local workforce so far
Coop members so far
Directors so far
Monies raised so far
Meet Our Team

Mel Close
Company Secretary

Liam Blake

Maria Czirbuly

Chris Davis

Stoic Homes UK Ltd
Improving housing and people’s quality of life ….
………… requires a partnership approach. We are working closely with a number of organisations & stakeholders to develop this initiative. Some are indicated here, but this list is increasing all the time.
Together we are developing the Retrofit strategic business plan, the local workforce through the phase 1 & 2 retrofit work on the Soundskills centre and planning for a local housing summit in the summer that will look at improving the cities housing situation from a grassroots perspective.

Training pathways
There is a huge skill shortage in the retrofit sector and a major part of our success will be down to our capacity to find people with the right aptitude locally and the mechanisms in place to train them correctly – we will be engaging with local colleges to eventually certify all of our bespoke training modules.
See here for more information.